cooled fast reactor systems, graphite moderated high temperature gas-cooled reactors, and several molten salt reactor models. At first, the similarity of the integral performance of the ENDF/B-VII.1 and ENDF/B-VIII.0 nuclear data libraries caused by compensating errors in important differential data was demonstrated. In calculations for a shipping container of high-assay low enriched uranium, the data of individual isotopes were systematically swapped between the two ENDF/B libraries. An eigenvalue difference of up to 450 pcm was found due to the use of 235U and 238U from one library and 1H and 16O from the other library. This clearly demonstrates a cross-correlation between reaction data sets of different isotopes within a library that should be reported in the evaluations. For sodium-cooled fast reactor (SFR) fuel assemblies, significant eigenvalue (kinf) differences (200– 450 pcm) were found between calculations using the 2011 ENDF/B-VII.1 data and 2018 ENDF/B-VIII.0 data. These differences were mainly caused by updates of 238U and 239Pu neutron cross sections. Results from the multigroup (MG) calculations further revealed that the group structure of the applied MG library strongly influences the MG bias due to the importance of an appropriate energy resolution of the resonances in higher energy ranges. The application of previously used MG libraries requires new verification for advanced reactor simulation in comparisons with reference continuous-energy calculations. Nuclear data uncertainty analyses of these SFR systems resulted in eigenvalue uncertainties between 1,400 and 1,800 pcm, which are three to four times higher than corresponding uncertainties in light water reactor (LWR) systems. The main contributor to this uncertainty was found to be inelastic scattering on 238U, which shows an uncertainty of up to 50% in the fast energy range. Other important contributors are the scattering reactions of 56Fe and 23Na which have so far not appeared in LWR analysis. Since the largest contribution to the eigenvalue uncertainty of SFR systems is coming from scattering reactions, it is expected that uncertainties in the angular scattering distributions also have a significant impact. Those uncertainties are, however, not available for the majority of nuclides, and the capabilities to determine sensitivities to this data are currently underdeveloped. For two graphite moderated high temperature gas-cooled reactor (HTGR) benchmarks, only the ENDF/BVII. 1 calculations resulted in consistent eigenvalues (keff) with the corresponding experimental measurements. Eigenvalue differences of about 1,000 pcm were found between the 2006 ENDF/B-VII.0 data and the 2011 ENDF/B-VII.1 data, primarily due to an updated carbon capture cross section in the thermal energy range in the later ENDF/B release. The ENDF/B-VIII.0 eigenvalue was larger than the ENDF/B-VII.1 eigenvalue by about 300 pcm mainly due to updates in multiple 235U neutron cross sections, with offsetting updates in the 238U cross sections. With ENDF/B-VIII.0, graphite can be modeled as perfect crystal or with two different porosities. The choice of the graphite evaluation can have a significant influence of the eigenvalue. For a HTGR benchmark, maximum eigenvalue differences as high as 650 pcm due to different porosities were observed. More detailed studies of the impact of the porosity are necessary while considering that the graphite porosity can vary between the used materials and changes as a function of neutron fluence. xii The uncertainty of the HTGR eigenvalues due to nuclear data uncertainties was found between 500 and 600 pcm, with the top contributor being the neutron multiplicity of 235U. A gap in the form of missing uncertainties in graphite thermal scattering data, that might have significant impact on HTGR reactors, was identified. This gap is being investigated by the DOE-NE Nuclear Data and Benchmarking Program, as documented in a separate report The fast spectrum molten salt reactor calculations revealed similar comparisons as for the SFR assemblies. The eigenvalue uncertainties were significantly influenced by inelastic scattering on 238U, while the impact of angular scattering distributions is unknown. For the graphite and zirconium hydride moderated system, eigenvalue uncertainties of up to 700 pcm were observed, requiring in depth analyses of the cross sections and corresponding uncertainties of the included materials. In general, it was observed that the flux spectra of the various molten salt reactor systems show significant differences, even between a fresh state and a depleted state. The choice of the energy group structure of MG calculations is therefore highly relevant; the applicability of previously used MG libraries needs to be verified. Due the unavailability of pin power measurements of advanced reactor systems, pin power calculations with both ENDF/B-VII.1 and VIII.0 data were performed for a light water reactor and compared to corresponding measurements. Both calculations show good agreement with the measurements. A comparison between the ENDF/B-VII.1 and VIII.0 results revealed small differences, mostly in the range of about 0.2%.
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