
Attenuation of incoherent noise is an effective way to improve signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of seismic data. Recently, supervised deep learning based methods have been widely utilized for seismic image denoising, which often need plenty of noise-free data as training labels. However, noise-free seismic data are often unavailable in field applications. We propose an unsupervised learning method (NS2NS) to train a denoising network by using single noisy seismic data. The proposed model is based on two basic truths of seismic data: (1) High self-similarity of seismic data; (2) Spatially independence of incoherent noise in seismic data. To implement the proposed method, we first build a sampling workflow to generate paired noisy images based on single noisy seismic image. Moreover, we create similar noisy images that are similar but different with the original noisy image by using the proposed self-similar sampler. The original noisy images and generated similar noisy images are then fused by using a suggested Bernoulli sampler to create new paired noisy images. These new paired noisy images are used as the input and target of the denoising model, respectively. Next, an end-to-end convolutional neural network (CNN) is built for seismic image denoising, which aims to learn features of valid signals and suppress unpredictable random noise. Finally, we apply the proposed NS2NS method to both synthetic and field data. The results show that our proposed method can effectively suppress incoherent noise while preserving valid signals.

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