
Abstract Seismic data is an essential source of information often contaminated with disturbing, coherent and random noise. Seismic random noise has degenerative impacts on subsequent seismic processing and data interpretation. Thus, seismic noise attenuation is a key step in seismic processing. Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) have proven successful for various image processing tasks in multidisciplinary fields and this paper aims to study the impact of three CNN architectures (autoencoders, denoising CNNs (DnCNN) and residual dense networks (RDN)) on improving the signal to noise ratio of seismic data. The work consists of three steps: Data preparation, model training and model testing. In this study we have used real seismic data to prepare the training dataset we have manually added noise. Most studies on seismic noise attenuation, study only a single kind of noise. However this paper suggests making our approach by exposing the model to many kinds of noises and noise levels such as Guassian noise, Poisson noise, Salt and Pepper and Speckle noise. In this paper we have analysed the performance of three models. Autoencoders: This architecture consists of two parts, the encoders and the decoders. The encoder consists of convolutions on the input image to extract all key information and map it to a latent space with loss of unnecessary data(noise) while the decoder reconstructs the image from the latent space to a seismic image while high signal to noise ratio. DnCNNs: This architecture is a combination of residual learning and batch normalization and mainly consists of three kinds of blocks. The model is trained to predict the residual image, that is the difference between the noisy observation and the latent clean image. RDNs: This architecture comprises of shallow feature extraction net, residual dense blocks (RDBs), dense feature fusion, and lastly up-sampling net. The data prepared as mentioned above is trained on all three CNN models across different noise levels and the performance of these models was compared. The model is finally tested on a batch of unseen noisy seismic sections and the performance is measured by an l2 loss namely mean squared error and the improvement in signal to noise ratio. The resultant images from all three architectures across different noise levels have drastically improved signal to noise ratio and thus the application of CNN as a denoiser for seismic images proves to be successful. It is important to note that when comparing the difference plots(Noisy image minus the denoised image) we found minimal signal leakage. While the application of CNN for image pre-processing has seen great success in other fields, mathematical denoising techniques such as F-K filter, tao-p filter are still used in oil and gas industry particularly in seismic denoising. After thorough review, this paper studies some of the most successful denoising CNN architectures and its success in seismic denoising.

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