
Wound healing is a complex multifactorial process that results in the contraction and closure of the wound and restoration of functional barrier. Hamiltonia Suaveolens roots are widely used in Indian medicine to cure wounds, burns. However, complete evaluation of these activities is absent. Thus, the present study aimed to assess the wound healing activity of Hamiltonia Suaveolens roots in topical ointments formulation. The gel formulation containing extracts of the above mentioned herb were formulated, the gel formulation containing extracts evaluated and their wound healing activity was studied on experimentally induced excision open wounds in albino rats. The effect of the formulation on wound healing was assessed by the rate of wound closure, periods of epithelialization and histopathology. The aqueous extract of Hamiltonia suaveolens roots was incorporated into Carbopol 934-water mixture. The pH, viscosity, spreadability, stability studies, acute oral toxicity, and skin irritation test were determined. The measurement of the wound areas were taken up-to 18th days and the percentages of the wound closures were calculated. Blank ointment base and Gentamycin ointment (1 % w/w) served as the control and standard treatments. The prepared ointments passed all the physical parameters. There were no changes in pH, viscosity, spreadability and consistency when the ointments were kept at different temperatures for 90 days. These formulations did not produce any skin irritation. Topical applications of the prepared ointment on the excision wound in rats caused a significantly higher rate of wound healing and reduced the epithelialization period in a dose-related manner. The tissue histology of gel treated group showed complete epithelialization with increased collagenation, compared to the (1 %) Gentamycin ointment. The formulated gel was evaluated and effective in wound care and should be explored in harnessing the potentials of the plant in the treatment of topical diseases.

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