
Significant effort has gone into developing novel metal precursors for Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD). This effort has been primarily driven by the industry need for new high K materials and metals films. The need for novel oxidants and sources of nitrogen has been largely ignored. This paper focuses on delivery of anhydrous hydrogen peroxide and anhydrous hydrazine for ALD applications. Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) in aqueous form is commonly used in semiconductor manufacturing for cleaning and surface preparation operations. Thirty percent and fifty percent two-component mixtures have been investigated in a few ALD studies with moderate success. Especially noteworthy are Kummel’s findings that the use of hydrogen peroxide leads to a 3x increase in nucleation density on Ge versus water. However, H2O2 has limited general utility in aqueous form due to the volatility of water. At 30C, Raoult’s law predicts a headspace concentration of 294ppm H2O2 and 32373ppm for water, where the H2O/H2O2 ratio is over 100. Clearly these are not optimal conditions for hydrogen peroxide ALD. However, in its pure state, hydrogen peroxide is highly unstable and has a propensity to decompose, forming water and oxygen. Our approach entails the use of a membrane delivery system where 99.6% hydrogen peroxide is dissolved in an organic solvent. Hydrogen peroxide permeates the membrane and is delivered to the ALD chamber, while the solvent does not permeate and remains in the liquid state. In this way, concentrations much higher than predicted by Raoult’s law for aqueous mixtures are delivered to the process chamber in the absence of water. Next generation devices have low thermal budgets and high aspect ratio structures that create new challenges for ALD grown nitride films. The use of ammonia is limited due to temperature constraints. Known Plasma methods cannot uniformly coat the side walls of the device structures and create surface damage. Hydrazine (H2NNH2) has been proposed as a thermal ALD low temperature nitride source. Hydrazine is highly flammable and its flash point decreases with reduced water content. In an analogous approach, we have developed a new method and formulation for the delivery of anhydrous Hydrazine by the use of an inert organic solvent and membrane delivery system. Precursor vapor pressure is maintained at levels viable for ALD. Moreover, the addition of a high boiling solvent lowers the risk of explosion by raising the solution flash point. Preliminary ALD data will be presented showing unique properties of these new precursors along with theoretical data on precursor delivery under variable ALD conditions.

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