
We present a simple and robust method to simultaneously characterize the water and salt permeability (A, B) of reverse osmosis (RO) membranes and mass transfer coefficient (k) in membrane modules. The proposed methodology comprises a set of RO experiments performed at different operating pressures or stages. The measured water and salt fluxes in each stage are simultaneously fitted to the RO transport equations by performing a non-linear regression, using A, B, and k as regression parameters. We first perform a systematic accuracy analysis of the proposed method across the full operational range of RO. The assessment shows that the method accuracy is substantially higher than current methods and increases with number of experimental stages and driving forces. This assessment is used to inform the design of an experimental protocol that minimizes errors in estimated A, B, and k. We then evaluate two commercial RO membranes following the new protocol. For both membranes, A and B parameters decrease by 17% and 15% from the dilute solution to seawater concentrations, whereas the k parameter remains constant. Our study demonstrates that the proposed method, informed by data-driven experimental designs, provides a new approach for accurately characterizing transport phenomenon in membrane processes with feeds of less than 100 g/L total dissolved solids.

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