
The Internet has become the most important medium for information exchange and the core communication environment for business relations as well as for social inter- actions. The current internet architecture itself might become the limiting factor of Internet growth and deployment of new applications including 5G and future internet. Architectural limitations of internet include weak security, lack of efficient storage and caching, data distribution and traceability issues, lack of interoperability and so on. The proposed system overcomes these limitations by an alternate architecture for internet called NovaGenesis. This architecture integrates the concepts of Infor- mation Centric Networking (ICN), Service Oriented Architecture (SOA), network caching and name based routing. ICN evolve internet from a host-centric model to a content-centric model through efficient data exchange, storage and processing. SOA enables software-control/management of network devices based on service requirements. Network caching improves performance in terms of throughput, network traffic and retrieval delay. Name based routing is for discovering and delivering of data. The framework proposed increases the scalability and reliability of the delivery of IoT data for services.

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