
The article deals with the history of religious style formation in the Russian language. The research considers nouns of religion semantic field with a suffix -stv/о/, recorded in the 18 th century Russian lexicographic works of civil press, which provide detailed representationof confessional vocabulary – The Church Dictionaryby archpriest Peter Alekseev (1773–1794), The Short Slavic Dictionary by abbot Evgeny (Romanov) (1784) and The Dictionary of the Russian Academy (1789–1794). The paper features peculiarities in word-formation and semantic structure of nouns with a suffix -stv/о/ belonging to religion semantic field.Their lexical and grammatical categories as well as thematic groups are described.The neologisms that appeared in the 18 th century within these groups are revealed. Active development of word-formation models, arising in Russian in that period, has contributed to emerging word-formation patternsfor the nouns of religion semantic field with a suffix -stv/о/, which have been established and analyzed. It is shown that despite the notable competition caused by existence of synonymous derivatives, nouns of religion semantic field with a suffix -stv/о/ have sufficient representation in the dictionary system of the Russian language of the 18 th century, forming a special layer of confessional vocabulary. It should be noted, that the abovementioned word class, as well as Russian religious style as a whole, was going through the process of active formationin the 18 th century.


  • Предметом рассмотрения являются имена существительных религиозной семантики на -ств/о/, зафиксированные в отечественных лексикографических произведениях гражданской печати XVIII в., наиболее полно описывающих конфессиональную лексику: «Церковном словаре» протоиерея Петра Алек

  • Установлены и проанализированы словообразовательные параллели имен существительных религиозной семантики на -ств/о/, возникшие в русском языке связи с активным развитием различных словообразовательных моделей

  • Alekseev P.A. Prodolzhenie Tserkovnago slovarya [Continuation of the Church Dictionary]

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NOUNS OF RELIGION SEMANTIC FIELD WITH SUFFIX -STV/О/ IN THE RUSSIAN OF 18th CENTURY (EXAMPLIFIED BY LEXICOGRAPHIC WORKS OF THE CIVIL PRESS). Feliksov Perervinsky Theological Seminary, Moscow, Russia; Saint Tikhon’s Orthodox University, Moscow, Russia; Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry named after A.I. Evdokimov, Moscow, Russia

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