
Notice of Violation of IEEE Publication Principles<br><br>"Open Source Reuse in Commercial Firms"<br>by T.R. Madanmohan and Rahul De<br>in IEEE Software, Vol. 21, Issue 6, November/December 2004, pp. 62-69<br><br>After careful and considered review of the content and authorship of this paper by a duly constituted expert committee, this paper has been found to be in violation of IEEE's Publication Principles.<br><br>This paper contains portions of original text from the sources cited below. Text from Paper 1) was reused without attribution. Text from Paper 2) was reused with attribution but without being clearly delineated from the above authors' own text.<br><br>1)"Open-Source CMS: Prohibitively Fractured"<br>by Tony Byrne<br>in CMS Watch,http://www.cmswatch.com/Feature/89-Open-Src<br>14 May 2003, pp 94-99<br><br>2)"The Amos Project: An Approach to Reusing Open Source Code"<br>by Manuel Carro, German Puebla and Carlo Daffara<br>in Presente y futuro de la ingenieria del software libre<br>URJC, Madrid, May 21, 2003<br><br> <br/> Open source software provides organizations with new options for component-based development. As with commercial off-the-shelf software, project developers acquire open source components from a vendor (or a community) and use them "as is" or with minor modifications. Although they have access to the component's source code, developers aren't required to do anything with it. If the component's community is large and active, the adopting organization can expect frequent software updates, reasonable quality assurance, responsive hug fixes, and good technical support. Also, having freely available source code addresses two typical concerns with using COTS components: unknown implementation quality and long-term vendor support.

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