
Notice of Violation of IEEE Publication Principles<br><br>"Integrated Operation and Expansion Planning of Natural Gas and Electricity Systems: Technical and Economical Aspects," <br> by C. Unsihuay-Vila, J.W. Marangon-Lima, A.C. Zambroni de Souza in the Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE PES General Meeting, July 2009<br><br>After careful and considered review of the content and authorship of this paper by a duly constituted expert committee, this paper has been found to be in violation of IEEE's Publication Principles.<br><br>This paper contains portions of text from the paper(s) cited below. A credit notice is used, but due to the absence of quotation marks or offset text, copied material is not clearly referenced or specifically identified. The lead author, C. Unsihuay-Vila, was solely responsible for adding the improperly reused material.<br><br>"Integrated Natural Gas and Electricity Market: A Survey of the State of the Art in Operation Planning and Market Issues,"<br>by R. Rubio, D. Ojeda-Esteybar, O. Ano, A. Vargas,<br>in the Proceedings of 2008 IEEE/PES Latin America Transmission and Distribution Conference and Expo, August 2008<br><br> <br/> The operational and economical integration between natural gas and electricity sectors has sharply increased in the last decade due to natural gas advantages compared with other fossil fuels in subjects like economic competitiveness and lower environmental impact. Additionally, the technology associated with combined cycle and cogeneration units provides some distinct advantages for power generation such as high efficiency, fast response, and shorter installation time. As a consequence, all those attractiveness have encouraged increasing the investments in new gas-fired thermal units by market agents and governments in the electricity production. This paper discusses operational and economical aspects of the integrate electricity and natural in terms of their operation and expansion planning. The operational and economical aspects of the gas/electricity interaction under competitive environment market also are discussed.

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