This paper proposes a novel approach to achieve monitoring and control of modern substations using advanced computer communication and control technology. The proposed approach is based on a code division multiple access (CDMA) and interleave division multiple access (IDMA) system joining with optical-fiber communication technology to realize the utility infrastructure of Smart Grid. Recently, owing to the rapid growth on optical-fiber communication, it can offer standardized communication technology for wide-area, metropolitan-area, and local-area networks. Moreover, optical-fiber communication technologies offer not only significant benefits on connection among different CDMA-IDMA systems such as rapid deployment, higher baud rate (equal or higher than 14 Tb/s), enhanced bandwidth, less bit error rate (equal or less than 10-9), less optical-amplifier quantities, reduced interference among them, lower signal attenuation, etc. but also the advantages of being more suitable for remote-end applications in Smart Grid environment. With spreading spectrum modulation and demodulation combing encoding, it can be used to transmit data and images over power lines to accomplish opportunities and challenges in the effort on comparisons and assure safety, security, and reliability in order to achieve reliability and demand efficiency for modern substations of the utility system as a supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system.
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