
Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of medicine, is described in Atharva Veda and in subsequent treatises by Charak, Susrut, and Vagbhatt, containing the details of etiology, symptoms, diagnosis, and therapy of afflictions in humans and animals. The science of mental disorders (Bhoot-Vidya) describes extensively conditions from mild anger and greed to severe psychoses. This paper presents a synoptic overview comparing the clinical conditions described in Ayurveda with clinical conditions described in the Internationl Classification of Diseases. The symbiotic relationship between 'psyche' and 'soma' was recognised in Ayurveda, attributing the highest importance to psychic energy as the propulsive power of creation--the original force. According to Vedic concepts, personality is composed of three elements (gunas): i. Satva (pure qualities), ii. Rajas (pleasure-seeking propensities and emotions), iii. Tamas (animal-like behavioural tendencies leading to deterioration). Abnormalities result from the excess of Tomas and Rajas. The main therapies are i. suggestion, auto-suggestion, hynotism, assurance, persuasion, and ritualistic therapy; ii. transferring of symptoms; iii. confession, penance, and sacrifice; iv. use of natural elements; v. medicine and endocrine therapies; and vi. tantic and yogic practices.

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