
Abstract A soil insecticide performance trial was established at West-Central Agricultural Experiment Station, Morris, Minn. Soil type in this continuous corn field was Hammerly clay loam. Each treatment plot measured 2 rows (76-cm spacing), 12.2 m long. Treatments were arranged in a randomized complete block design with 4 replicates. All insecticides were calibrated in the laboratory and delivered at a tractor speed of 4 mph. Insecticides were applied at planting on 12 May using a modified Noble applicator with interchangeable bottles. Stand counts were taken 5 Jul to test chemical phytotoxicity. On 12 Jul 5 roots were dug from each plot and rated for root injury on a modified 1-6 Iowa rating scale (subdivided into half increments for higher sensitivity). Plant height and yield were not measured because severe drought stunted plants and inhibited ear formation and pollination.

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