
The article is devoted to the study of the history of the development of regulatory legal acts of hunting and hunting legislation of the Far Eastern Republic. The basic provisions and statutes issued by the Ministries of Agriculture and National Economy are considered: “Regulations on the production of hunting”, “Brief temporary charter for the organization of commercial hunting and fish artels and societies” and “Draft temporary charter for the organization of folk hunting and fishing societies of correct hunting”. Historical-genetic, historical-comparative, concrete-historical and formal-legal methods of scientific cognition are applied. With their help, the problems of determining the fishing and non-commercial areas, the use of permitted and prohibited hunting methods, the duration of the fishing season and the reasons for the introduction of certain restrictions are analyzed. Further, the author examines the development of the pre-revolutionary practice of sampling a state ticket allowing the right to hunt, regulation of the activities of cooperative communities of hunters and an experimental system of punishment, which provided not only administrative but also criminal liability for violation of hunting rules and poaching. A significant part of the innovations was perceived by the citizens of the republic as an encroachment on personal rights, since, by tradition, all commercial resources in Siberia and the East were mined without any serious restrictions and control from the state until 1917. The previous state of affairs during the period under review remained exclusively for those groups of the population that were entirely dependent on hunting and fishing products. All other social categories of the Far Eastern Republic were required to comply with the new rules,register and pay tax for the right to use the state-fishing regalia. The effectiveness of the measures introduced left much to be desired, since the control bodies did not have a real opportunity to effectively suppress violations of the fishing legislation. Keywords: Far Eastern Republic, charter, draft, hunting license, hunting ticket, poaching, punishment


  • The article is devoted to the study of the history of the development of regulatory legal acts of hunting and hunting legislation of the Far Eastern Republic

  • The basic provisions and statutes issued by the Ministries of Agriculture and National Economy are considered: “Regulations on the production of hunting”, “Brief temporary charter for the organization of commercial hunting and fish artels and societies” and “Draft temporary charter for the organization of folk hunting and fishing societies of correct hunting”

  • The author examines the development of the pre-revolutionary practice of sampling a state ticket allowing the right to hunt, regulation of the activities of cooperative communities of hunters and an experimental system of punishment, which provided administrative and criminal liability for violation of hunting rules and poaching

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Нормативно-правовые акты Дальневосточной республики (1920–1922), регулирующие правила охотничье-промысловой деятельности населения Рассматриваются развитие дореволюционной практики выборки государственного билета, разрешающего право на охоту; регулирование деятельности кооперативных сообществ охотников и экспериментальная система наказания, предусматривавшая не только административную, но и уголовную ответственность за нарушение правил охоты и браконьерство.

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