
The work examines the regulatory and legal provision of social protection of employees of the National Police of Ukraine in today's conditions. It is noted that one of the important and necessary state institutions in modern conditions is the National Police of Ukraine, which occupies one of the key positions, implementing the law enforcement function and performing a fairly wide range of tasks to protect the rights and freedoms of citizens, and therefore the social protection of the employees of this institution plays an important role value. However, until now, the social protection of police officers remains an unsolved problem, which creates obstacles on the way to the development and establishment of stability in society. Having analyzed the current national legislation on the social protection of employees of the National Police of Ukraine, it was concluded that despite the large volume of legal acts regulating the social protection of law enforcement officers and their family members, attention is drawn to the declarative nature of the norms and the nature of their optional implementation, as well there is a lack of a unified approach to the legal regulation of social protection of the studied category of workers. And as a result, although the social protection of employees of the National Police of Ukraine is provided for by a number of legal acts, many issues remain unresolved, especially in today's conditions. It is noted that despite a number of positive changes regarding the reform of the police system in Ukraine, it is necessary to pay more attention to social protection and gaps in the national legislation, the elimination of which will provide an opportunity to ensure the full functioning of the newly created and reformed units of the National Police of Ukraine. The task of reforming is primarily to ensure that there is a correspondence between tasks and functions, structure and people, and resource provision. Among other important issues is decent pay for the work of Ukrainian police officers, because the safety of citizens and the level of crime detection directly depend on their motivation. And that is why their salary must correspond to modern risks and realities, ensure stability, and only the law can guarantee this.

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