
Optic nerve regeneration was examined with [3H]proline radioautography in fish that had one nerve crushed. Fibers had not yet grown beyond the crush site at 2 days post-crush (PC) and were at the optic chiasm by 4-5 days PC. By 6 days PC the fibers had reinnervated the rostral pole of the contralateral tectum, the lateral geniculate nucleus and area pretectalis dorsalis and ventralis. Area preopticus, nucleus opticus dorsolateralis and nucleus opticus commissurae posterior were partially reinnervated by 8 days PC. At this time numerous abnormal targets were labeled, including nucleus rotundus, nucleus isthmi, cerebellum, pituitary gland and ipsilateral optic tectum. Optic fibers also entered the posterior, intertectal and horizontal commissures, as well as tractus rotundus, the tectocerebellar, tectobulbar and mesencephalocerebellar tracts. In addition, fibers with the contralateral optic tectum were not restricted to their usual laminae. They were distributed from the superficial edge of the tectum to the ventricle. At 32 days PC only the normal retinal projections were evident, and all of the anomalous projections had disappeared. The anomalous projections may have either retracted or degenerated or become undetectable with radioautography.

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