
Resolutions adopted by regional councils in the Middle Polish age are highly valuable to a historian of the Polish language, since they are testimonies to the early Polish official style. The research leads to the conclusion that the repertoire of performative verbs used for verbalising norms was fairly extensive and contained both native words, mainly prefixal verbs (e.g. odkładać, odsyłać, naznaczać, postanowić, ustanowić, umacniać, uwalniać), and genetically Latin lexis (e.g. aprobować, akceptować, deklarować, deputować, libertować, prefigować). All declaratives in the resolutions are realised by means of indicative sentences with the predicate in the 1st person plural, less frequently in the 3rd person singular. The intentions discussed above are only occasionally expressed using impersonal forms, which prevail in the contemporary official texts.

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