
The moving and inspiring short film NOOR explores the experiences of those impacted NOOR is a moving and thought provoking short film that delves into the lives of people affected by Vitiligo (Pulberi). The disease causes depigmentation of the skin, causing white patches of skin on the body. The film highlights the tests, trials, and consequential successes faced by such a person, all the while learning to accept oneself as one is with the resultant self-confidence. The aim of this treatise is to develop an impactful cinematic experience that portrays the unique experiences of persons who suffer from Vitiligo, including psychological misery, suffering social stigma, and the resultant effects on self-esteem and confidence. The much-needed unknown disorder is shown in the film so that its psychological effects and the tribulations faced by people who have it can be seen. The drive to delve into the topic of Vitiligo stems from the necessity to discuss uncomfortable subjects that are usually misunderstood and face social stigma. Vitiligo imposes a significant effect on one’s mental status, self-esteem, and self-confidence, not to mention its visibility. The crux of the film revolves around the theme of a person suffering from Vitligo who has a driving passion to create a career in athletics, which is hindered due to her condition. The entrepreneurial component of this endeavor is conceptualizing NOOR's potential beyond its function as a film. It acts as a model for a broader commercial project—a whole multimedia platform focused on raising awareness and empowering individuals with Vitiligo. This platform goes beyond conventional cinema by including interactive experiences, educational tools, and a community involvement program. The main objective is to utilize this film representation not just for educational purposes but also as a stimulus for societal contemplation, encouraging conversations regarding traditional beauty norms, and nurturing a more comprehensive and compassionate community. This method harnesses the potential for entrepreneurship by creating engaging visual material and generating chances for social change and empowerment focused on Vitiligo.

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