
In the proposed Energy String (ES) theory, we assume the existence of fundamental energy strings forming a generally Euclidean four-dimensional fabric of empty space as well as forming all types of particles in the universe. The 4D space fabric is composed of space energy strings bearing dark-energy as well as a newly described dark-momentum. Particles are composed of particle energy strings which interact with space energy strings inducing three-dimensional space curvatures embedded in a flat fourth-space dimension. The induced space curvatures are responsible for gravity of particles and assign a longitudinal and a transverse direction to particles. The proposed ES theory yields an adapted model of the universe with remarkable teachings as follows: (1) The fabric of space and related dark-energy are associated with a newly defined dark-momentum. This dark momentum is the sole contributor to the cosmological constant Λ in Einstein's field equations which describes the accelerated expansion of the universe. The energy of the quantum vacuum becomes nonrelevant to the cosmological constant Λ, enabling a solution to the “Cosmological Constant Problem”; (2) All particles perform an equal distance of translatory displacement in 4D-space, reflecting a universal displacement rate of particles relative to an absolute generally Euclidean 4D-space. This universal principle is equivalent to Lorentz transformation of a fundamental four-displacement vector, representing a new model of Special Relativity with superior compatibility to quantum theories. (3) Time is a displacement property of mass particles in 4D-space. Frames of 3D-space+time are the perspective by which mass particles experience 4D-space. In this perspective, absolute space longitudinally displaces over mass particles experienced as proper time elapse. Temporal momentum is an inherent invariant property of mass particles. Frames of 3D-space+time are mixed domains: three spatial coordinates of position-space and a temporal coordinate of momentum-space, meaning the position-space in the temporal coordinate is totally inaccessible.

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