
Pleistocene uplift of the Chilean coast is recorded by the formation of wave-cut platforms resulting from marine erosion during sea-level highstands. In the Altos de Talinay area (~ 31°S), we have identified a sequence of 5 wave-cut platforms. Using in situ produced 10Be exposure ages we show that these platforms were formed during interglacial periods at 6, 122, 232, 321 and 690 ka. These ages correspond to marine isotopic stages (MIS) or substages (MISS) 1, 5e, 7e, 9c and 17. Shoreline angle elevations used in conjunction with our chronology of wave-cut platform formation, illustrate that surface uplift rates vary from 103 ± 69 mm/ka between 122 and 6 ka, to 1158 ± 416 mm/ka between 321 and 232 ka. The absence of preserved platforms related to the MIS 11, 13 and 15 highstands likely reflects slow uplift rates during these times. We suggest that since 700 ka, the Altos de Talinay area was predominantly uplifted during 2 short periods following MIS 17 and MISS 9c. This episodic uplift of the Chilean coast in the Pleistocene may result from subduction related processes, such as pulses of tectonic accretion at the base of the forearc wedge.

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