
Morand, M., A. K. Siwicki. F. Pozet, 1. C. Vinaize. N. Keck: Nonspecific Cellular and Humoral Defence Mechanism in Sheatfish (Silurus glanis). Acta vet. Brno 1998,67: 335-338. Early diagnosis of fish diseases by control of immunological parameters is one of the most important part of prophylactic in intensive fish culture. For the first time, the nonspecific cellular and humoral defence mechanisms were studied in farming sheatfish, using two size of fishes weighing 300-500 g and 2000-3000 g. For each group, the respiratory burst activity and the potential killing activity of blood and pronephric phagocytes, the proliferative ability of lymphocytes and the myeloperoxidase activity in PMN cells was measured. The lysozyme and ceruloplasmine activity as well as total proteins and immunoglobulins in serum are also presented. Those results will be used for control the defence mechanisms and protection against infection diseases of sheatfish raised in farming conditions. Sheatfish. aquaculture. nonspecific cellular and humoral immunity

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