
Standard zero-field cooling (zfc) magnetization relaxation measurements over a large temperature T interval were performed for YB2Cu3O7 films with BaZrO3 nanorods parallel to the c axis having the matching field BΦ∼2.3T. A rich non-monotonous T dependence of the normalized magnetization relaxation rate S at low external magnetic fields H (oriented along the nanorods) was observed. For H=2kOe, for example, S(T) clearly exhibits two maxima, located around T=30K and T=62K, as well as a pronounced S(T) deep at T∼77K. It is shown that the first S(T) maximum may have an extrinsic origin, related to the occurrence of thermo-magnetic instabilities in the low-T domain, the second one is due to a crossover between the non-glassy vortex creep regime involving double vortex kink formation and variable range vortex hopping, whereas the S(T) deep at high T is generated by the accommodation of nearly isolated vortices to the nanorods in the presence of the T dependent macroscopic current induced in the specimen.

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