
The nonlinear regime of high-frequency response for resonant tunneling structures in a time-periodic electric field has been investigated using a technique for solving the time-dependent Schrodinger equation based on a Floquet mode expansion of the wave functions. The dependences of current harmonic amplitudes on ac signal amplitude have been calculated and the limiting values of the generated field have been determined for singleand double-well resonant tunneling structures. The dynamic Stark effect is shown to play an important role in the formation of response. It leads to a quadratic (in ac field amplitude) shift in the positions of resonances Er in single-well structures and in double-well ones in the nonresonant case and to a splitting at resonance hν ≈ Er2–Er1 (ν is the signal frequency, Er1 and Er2 are the energies of the size-quantization levels) in double-well structures proportional to the ac signal amplitude. The phenomenon of ac signal detection by resonant tunneling structures has been investigated. The effect of resonant direct-current amplification in double-well structures has been detected at a signal frequency satisfying the condition hν ≈ Er2–Er1. In asymmetric systems, detection is shown to be possible in the absence of a dc bias, which allows zero-biased detectors based on them to be created.

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