Results of elastic, linear-bifurcation buckling and nonlinear analyses of the new Space Shuttle superlightweight external liquid-oxygen tank are presented for an important end-of-e ight loading condition. These results illustrate an important type of response mode for thin-walled shells subjected to combined mechanical and thermal loads that may be encountered in the design of other liquid-fuel launch vehicles. Linear-bifurcation buckling analyses are presented that predict several nearly equal eigenvalues that correspond to local buckling modes in the aft dome of the liquid-oxygen tank. In contrast, the nonlinear response phenomenon is shown to consist of a shortwavelength bending deformation in the aft elliptical dome of the liquid-oxygen tank that grows in amplitude in a stable manner with increasing load. Imperfection sensitivity analyses are presented that show that the presence of several nearly equal eigenvalues does not lead to a premature general instability mode for the aft dome. For the linear-bifurcation and nonlinear analyses, the results show that accurate predictions of the response of the shell generally require a large-scale, high-e delity, e nite element model, and that a design based on a linear-bifurcation buckling analysis and a buckling-load knockdown factor is overly conservative. Results are also presented that showthatthesuperlightweightliquid-oxygentankcansupportloadsin excessofapproximately1.9 timesthevalues of the operational loads considered.
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