
We show how generic non-Hermitian tight-binding lattice models can be realized in an unconditional, quantum-mechanically consistent manner by constructing an appropriate open quantum system. We focus on the quantum steady states of such models for both fermionic and bosonic systems. Surprisingly, key features and spatial structures in the steady state cannot be simply understood from the non-Hermitian Hamiltonian alone. Using the 1D Hatano-Nelson model as a paradigmatic example, we show that the steady state has a marked sensitivity to boundary conditions. This dependence however is qualitatively and quantitatively distinct from the non-Hermitian skin effect, and has no simple connection to non-Hermitian topology. Further, particle statistics play an unexpected role: the steady-state density profile is dramatically different for fermions versus bosons. Our work highlights the key role of fluctuations in quantum realizations of non-Hermitian dynamics, and provides a starting point for future work on engineered steady states of open quantum systems.

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