
We derive an exact description of the nonequilibrium dynamics at finite temperature for the anyonic Tonks-Girardeau gas, extending the results of Atas et al. [Phys. Rev. A 95, 043622 (2017)] to the case of arbitrary statistics. The one-particle reduced density matrix is expressed as the Fredholm minor of an integral operator, with the kernel being the one-particle Green's function of free fermions at finite temperature and the statistics parameter determining the constant in front of the integral operator. We show that the numerical evaluation of this representation using Nystr\"om's method significantly outperforms the other approaches present in the literature when there are no analytical expressions for the overlaps of the wave functions. We illustrate the distinctive features and novel phenomena present in the dynamics of anyonic systems in two experimentally relevant scenarios: the quantum Newton's cradle setting and the breathing oscillations initiated by a sudden change of the trap frequency.

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