
The self-energy method for quantum impurity models expresses the correlation part of the self-energy in terms of the ratio of two Green's functions and allows for a more accurate calculation of equilibrium spectral functions than is possible directly from the one-particle Green's function [Bulla et al., J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 10, 8365 (1998)], for example, within the numerical renormalization group method. In addition, the self-energy itself is a central quantity required in the dynamical mean field theory of strongly correlated lattice models. Here, we show how to generalize the self-energy method to the time-dependent situation for the prototype model of strong correlations, the Anderson impurity model. We use the equation of motion method to obtain closed expressions for the local Green's function in terms of a time-dependent correlation self-energy, with the latter being given as a ratio of a one-particle time-dependent Green's function and a higher-order correlation function. We benchmark this self-energy approach to time-dependent spectral functions against the direct approach within the time-dependent numerical renormalization group method. The self-energy approach improves the accuracy of time-dependent spectral function calculations, and the closed-form expressions for the Green's function allow for a clear picture of the time-evolution of spectral features at the different characteristic time-scales. The self-energy approach is of potential interest also for other quantum impurity solvers for real-time evolution, including time-dependent density matrix renormalization group and continuous-time quantum Monte Carlo techniques.

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