
This paper refers to the work done by Argentina's Comision Nacional de Energia Atomica (CNEA) NDT department about the evaluation of paintings and cultural heritage. CNEA has a long history in the study of this kind of problem. If an object is considered part of the cultural heritage and a study is required to verify certain properties beyond the range of normal sight, the application of NDT methods is a tool of utmost importance to evaluate and determine conservation conditions, verify possible restorations and give a general diagnosis of the object. NDT methods are based on physical principles and from their specific application the necessary information is obtained to establish a diagnosis of the test object's integrity and quality. Some traditional methods, such as industrial radiography, are used in the studies of paintings, sculptures and architectural pieces. Other methods, which use different portions of the electromagnetic (EM) spectrum such as infrared thermography (IT), georadar (GPR) and reflectography (IR), are also applied in the non-destructive evaluation of pieces of art. More recent techniques for digital diagnosis currently applied are digital radiography, ultraviolet (UVR), visible fluorescence (VR) and near-infrared reflectography (NIR). All these methods are the results of research by art experts, and they offer useful tools to historians, restorers and professionals devoted to conservation. They help establish the origin, period and, in some cases, to confirm or deny characteristics of the piece of art. The results thus obtained are part of the clinical histories that will be used as documents in the future. For the study of cultural heritage and pieces of art, ENDE-CNEA possesses equipment that uses the latest technology and has personnel trained for its accurate operation. The experience acquired in the application of all techniques allows it to meet the needs of non-destructive diagnosis in an integrated way.

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