
The main objective of this research is to develop a noncontact and noninvasive method for monitoring infections at the interface of human tissue and osseointegrated prostheses. The technique used here is centered on the theory of a noncontact permittivity imaging technique known as electrical capacitance tomography (ECT). This work is divided into two main parts. First, an ECT electrical permittivity reconstruction software and hardware system was developed. Second, a carbon nanotube-polyaniline nanocomposite thin film was designed and fabricated such that its electrical permittivity is sensitive to pH stimuli. The dielectric properties of this thin film were characterized as it was exposed to different pH buffer solutions. It is envisioned that osseointegrated implants can be pre-coated with the pH-sensitive nanocomposite prior to implant. When infection occurs and alters the local pH of tissue at the human-prosthesis interface, the dielectric property of the film would change accordingly. Then, ECT can interrogate the cross-section of the human limb and reconstruct its permittivity distribution, revealing localized changes in permittivity due to infection. To validate this concept, a prosthesis phantom was coated with the nanocomposite pH sensor and then immersed in different pH buffer solutions. ECT was conducted, and the results showed that the magnitude and location of subsurface, localized, pH changes could be detected. In general, noncontact tomography coupled with stimuliresponsive thin films could pave way for new modalities of noninvasive human body imaging, in particular, for patients with osseointegrated implants and prostheses.

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