
Soil water stress is one of the main constraints on agrosystem functioning, causing a reduction in gross primary production (GPP). It is a key factor for the selection of drought-tolerant plant varieties and the adaptation of irrigation management strategies. Therefore, identifying the physiological factors limiting GPP is crucial. Land surface models commonly implement a beta (β) stress function to reproduce the effects of drought on GPP. It is still unclear whether GPP limitations originate from a direct stomatal response (SOL) or from other non-stomatal causes (NSOL). Moreover, the shape and thresholds of the β function are a major cause of uncertainty in LSMs. This study investigated the effects of edaphic drought on GPP limitations of a potato crop by using eddy covariance data from the Lonzée ICOS station (BE-Lon) in Belgium for four years (2006, 2010, 2014 and 2018) and by calibrating the β function on NSOL and SOL.The decrease in the relative extractable water in the soil (REW) induced a decline in the apparent maximum carboxylation rate (NSOL) from similar REW thresholds for all growing seasons of potato crops. A sensitivity analysis showed that the non-inclusion of REW decrease on NSOL in the modeling of GPP led to important overestimations of carbon sequestration from a threshold corresponding to 46 % of the maximum available soil water. The stomatal sensitivity to photosynthesis (SOL) remained constant or even increased in 2010 and 2018. The carbon and water fluxes were decoupled when REW decreased, exhibiting a strict control of NSOL on hourly dynamics of GPP. This study provides REW thresholds to identify drought stress episodes and to help for designing irrigation management strategies. Our results advocate for a better representation of the influence of drought on photosynthesis processes of potato crops to improve the accuracy of model predictions during drought.

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