
Electron impact in the atmosphere produces ionisation, dissociation, electronic excitation and vibrational excitation of atoms and molecules. The products can then take part in chemical reactions, recombination with electrons, or radiative or collisional deactivation. While most such processes are fast, some longer--lived species do not reach equilibrium. The electron source (photoelectrons or auroral electrons) also varies over time and longer-lived species can move substantially in altitude by molecular, ambipolar or eddy diffusion. Hence non-equilibrium calculations are required in some circumstances. Such time-step calculations need to have sufficiently short steps so that the fastest processes are still calculated correctly, but this can lead to computation times that are too large. Hence techniques to allow for longer time steps by incorporating equilibrium calculations are described. Examples are given for results of atmospheric non-equilibrium calculations, including the populations of the vibrational levels of ground state N2, the electron density and its dependence on vibrationally excited N2, predictions of nitric oxide density, and detailed processes during short duration auroral events.

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