
In accordance with the International Code of Nomenclature for Cultivated Plants, five nomenclature standards were prepared for five potato сultivars* bred in the Omsk Agrarian Research Center: ‘Alena’, ‘Bylina Sibiri’, ‘Večernij Omsk’, ‘Triumf’, ‘Hozâûška’. Genetic passport of these five cultivars were carried out according to the new integrated strategy developed at VIR. According to the strategy, the plant material donated by the author of the cultivars to the VIR Herbarium was used for molecular genotyping. Genetic passports included data of allelic composition of eight chromosome specific microsatellite loci, markers of different types of organelle DNA, as well as data about diagnostic fragments of 15 markers of 11 R-genes conferring resistance to the most dangerous diseases and pests of potato: late blight, nematodes, potato X and Y viruses. Data from the developed genetic passports of five Omsk cultivars were compared to the results of genotyping of samples of the same cultivars obtained from different sources. Based on the analysis of pedigrees and genetic passports of these five cultivars we established the origin of their resistance to harmful organisms.

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