
The following new names are proposed for Leptochloa P. Beauvois s.1. (including Diplachne P. Beauvois), based on recent revisionary and cladistic studies: Leptochloa caudata, L. decipiens subsp. asthenes, L. decipiens subsp. peacockii, L. eleusine, L. fusca subsp. muelleri, L. fusca subsp. fascicularis, L. fusca subsp. uninervia, L. gigantea, and L. panicea subsp. brachiata. Recent revisionary and cladistic studies in Leptochloa P. Beauvois (Snow, 1997a), along with preparation of the grass treatment for Flora Zambesiaca (Cope, in press), support nomenclatural changes for this nearly worldwide grass genus. The changes are necessary given the consistent lack of cladistic support for Diplachne P. Beauvois as a taxon distinct from Leptochloa (Snow, 1997a) and the need to reduce in rank several species (Snow, 1997a, 1997b). The synonymy of Leptochloa is extensive and only recently has been assessed from a global perspective (Snow, 1997a). However, since the primary purpose of this article is to make these new names available, complete synonymy will be withheld for a later publication (or see Snow, 1997a). In addition to these changes, descriptions of two new species are forthcoming (Snow, 1998; Snow & Simon, 1997). Leptochloa caudata (K. Schumann) N. Snow, comb. nov. Basionym: Diplachne caudata K. Schumann, in Engler, Pflanzenw. Ost.-Afrikas C: 113. 1895. TYPE: Tanzania. Ukera, Fischer 674 (holotype, B). Leptochloa decipiens (R. Brown) Stapf ex Maiden subsp. asthenes (Roemer & Schultes) N. Snow, comb. et stat. nov. Basionym: Poa asthenes Roemer & Schultes, Syst. Veg. 2: 574. 1817. Poa imbecilla R. Brown, Prodr. 181. 1810, nom. hom. illeg., non P imbecilla Solander ex Sprengel, P1. Nov. Herb. Spreng., 9 no. 14. 1807. Leptochloa asthenes (Roemer & Schultes) C. E. Hubbard, Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew: 26. 1941. TYPE: Australia. Queensland, Upper Head [=Chadron Point], Broad Sound, R. Brown 6270 (lectotype, here designated, BM; isolectotype, K). Blake (1972: 6) correctly cited the type collection but did not designate a particular duplicate as the type specimen. ciliolata Jedwabnick, Bot. Arch. 5(3-4): 192. 1924. Leptochloa ciliolata (Jedwabnick) S. T. Blake, Contr Queensland Herb. 14: 6. 1092. TYPE: Australia. New South Wales, Narrabri, Maiden s.n. (lectotype [as holotype by Lazarides, 1980: 262], B; isolectotype, BRI). My dissertation indicated that Eragrostis imbecilla Benth. Fl. Austral. 7: 643. 1878, non E. imbecilla (R. Brown) R. Brown ex Steudel, Syn. P1. Glumac. 1: 279. 1854 was a taxonomic synonym of Leptochloa decipiens subsp. asthenes (Snow, 1997a: 166). A few additional comments are useful at this time. Given the format used by Bentham (1878) in volume 7 of Flora Australiensis, imbecilla appears to be merely a new combination, not a new taxon (e.g., see Article 58.3, Greuter et al., 1994). This is evident from his citation of Poa imbecilla and explicit reference to the type specimen collected by Forster in New Zealand (holotype, B, Willdenow Herbarium Cat. No. 01896, microfiche). The correct citations for these names appear to be imbecilla (Solander ex NovoN 8: 77-80. 1998. This content downloaded from on Thu, 19 May 2016 04:18:02 UTC All use subject to http://about.jstor.org/terms

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