
Noise pollution has become a serious problem nowadays due to the industrial development and urbanization. Noise level, in particular, is exceeding being an environmental issue to being a health problem for people. This study investigated the noise levels in residential areas, schools and hotels in North A’ Sharqiyah region in Oman. The area covered by the study is around 20 km2 which includes more than 200 houses, 13 schools and nine hotels. Fourteen different zones have been selected within this area to measure the noise levels. Using a sound level meter (S/N:2019023967) with a 30 to 130 dB measuring range and 1.5 dB accuracy, noise levels were measured. Around 90% of the collected data in the housing area at the city center was higher than the Omani standards (60 dB) and with an exposure time of 10 hours per day. In contrast, the housing areas outside the city center, only 5% of the measured noise was higher than the standards. In schools, it was found that the noise inside the schools is higher than the standards of indoor buildings noise. Furthermore, it was observed that the schools were built in quiet locations where the noise outside the schools met the standards. 70 % of the noise that was measured during the morning assembly in schools was higher than the standards. In hotels, it was found that the noise levels depend on the location of the hotel. The hotels located outside the city center or commercial area were found to be quiet and the noise levels within standards. In contrast, the others which locate in the city center have high noise levels.

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