
Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA) at Chek Lap Kok was designed in the early 90s and commenced operation in 1998 to meet Noise Exposure Contour (NEF) 25 standard under the Hong Kong Planning Standards and Guidelines. No new noise sensitive receiver is to be located within the NEF 25 contour. The NEF 25 contour of the airport covers largely sea areas. Only a small number of acoustically insulated village houses close to the airport marginally lie within the NEF25 contour. Despite all these planning efforts, aircraft noise from the airport operation still triggered considerable complaints from public about aircraft noise nuisance upon the airport came into operation in 1998. To address the nuisance, the Civil Aviation Department and the Environmental Protection Department of the Government of The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region implemented a number of improvement measures to reduce noise disturbance caused by these aircrafts on areas near the flight paths. This paper gives a retrospective view of aircraft noise problem in Hong Kong and experience gained after its operation.

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