
To analysis whether the Macau International Airport (MIA) can be a supplementary freight runway for the Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA), this paper provides an overview of the airport system regarding air freight in Hong Kong and Macau. The paper is done in the context of operational, managerial and institutional. Through understanding the nature of air freight and multi-airport system, this paper will deeply analyze the transport connection network in between Hong Kong and Macau and in between the HKIA and the MIA and this paper found that the existing poor transport connection network in between Hong Kong and Macau largely affect the MIA as a successful supplementary freight runway for the HKIA. Beside, through analyzing the airlines and freight forwarders’ choice on airports in between HKIA and MIA and the inter-relationship in between airport, airport operators, airlines and freight forwarders/shippers, this paper found that the HKIA has absolute advantage over the MIA. Thus, the finding of the paper concluded that an efficient inter-modal aircrafts’ equipments system in between Hong Kong and Macau must be built. And, a single joint company managed and operated by Airport Authority of Hong Kong (AAHK) and CAM should be set up to take in charge on MIA in order to allocate supplementary air freight from the HKIA to the MIA.

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