
Fabrication of Nobel gold nanoparticles using green nanotechnology and eco-friendly chemistry is carried out with Cupressus sempervirens leaf extract as a reducing and capping agent. This technology helps us to reduce the use of toxic reducing reagents and is eco-friendly, cost-effective, and large-scale production is possible due to the abundant availability of greenery products. This would take science and technology to a rapid and amazing advancement in the production of agricultural and industrial products, improved and durable materials. In this communication, we approached the synthesis of gold nanoparticles using Cupressus sempervirens extract, which contains phytochemicals that reduce the gold salt into gold nanoparticles. These phytochemicals are not hazardous to human health. So, gold nanoparticles are used in new drugs for chronic and dreaded diseases like cancer, as an antibiotic, immunity booster, and in many industrial applications. Further, characterised and synthesised molecules are tested for their stability with various components like temperature, time, and reaggregation.

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