
Abstract Antimonotonicity is used to characterize the specific dynamics for the generation of periodic orbits cascaded by their destruction, which is generally involved with the change of a bifurcation parameter. However, this phenomenon of antimonotonicity is rarely induced by the initial conditions of chaotic systems. To this end, this paper presents a no-argument memristive hyper-jerk system. When taking the initial condition of the memristor inner state (called as “memristor initial condition” for short) as a bifurcation parameter, we disclose the chaotic bubbles located in the primary interval and thereby display the coexisting infinitely many attractors with extreme multi-stability. Afterwards, when switching the memristor initial condition, we also uncover the initial condition-boosted coexisting chaotic bubbles theoretically and numerically. Therefore, the complex phenomenon of the extreme multi-stability with the initial condition-boosted coexisting chaotic bubbles is well revealed. Furthermore, a reconstituted model with the initial conditions in an explicit form is established in integral domain and the extreme multi-stability can be effectively interpreted through the stability analysis of the determined equilibrium points of the reconstituted model. Finally, a digital hardware platform is implemented to verify the memristor initial condition-dependent chaotic bubbles.

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