
Abstract Surface liming will prevent the formation of an ‘acid roof’ on the surface of soil cropped in no‐till corn (Zea mays L.). A study was begun in 1985 to determine the effectiveness of unincorporated liming in raising pH in no‐till soil which had developed significant acidity throughout the upper 15 cm. Lime was applied at 0, 3.36, 6.72 and 10.08 Mg ha‐1. All lime was applied on 26 April 1985 and was not incorporated. The pre‐liming pH at 0‐5 cm below the surface was 4.5; after two months the pH was raised to 5.6, 5.8, and 6.0 by 3.36, 6.72 and 10.08 Mg ha‐1 of lime, respectively. After 19 months soil‐pH was raised to 6.0, 6.4 and 6.6 by liming at 3.36, 6.72 and 10.08 Mg ha‐1 respectively. Soil‐pH below 5 cm was not affected by any rate of lime during the first 19 months after liming. Tissue analysis of corn ear leaves indicated that calcium uptake was increased significantly by lime in 1985, while manganese uptake was significantly reduced. In 1986, increases in calcium were greater than in 1985 an...

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