
In a recent paper, Renner et al. (Oecologia 195:825-831, 2021) concluded, without supporting statistical evidence, that increased density of managed honey-bee hives between 2019 and 2020 intensified competitive effects of honey bees on non-Apis bee species in the Munich Botanic Garden. Analysis of Renner et al.'s observations revealed that, contrary to their assumption, the change in hive numbers did not statistically alter honey-bee visitation to 29 plant species within or between years. Given this consistency, changes in the proportion of non-Apis bees among visitors of the surveyed plant species between years likely represent their responses to reduced overall availability of floral resources during 2020. Thus, Renner et al.'s observations do not provide convincing evidence that honey bees competitively reduced the abundance of non-Apis bees in the Munich Botanic Garden.

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