
458BOOK REVIEWS This heavy dependence on Schuetz's work for all references outside those of the Summa explains perhaps the strange fact that so many of the dubious or spurious works listed by Schuetz were also incorporated apparently in the list of Thomas's works used by the authors of the Lexicon. Not that the inclusion of references to these other works might not have an independent value, particularly to one interested in the genesis of philosophical thought, but it is somewhat puzzling to find them in the present work, especially since the Lexicon makes no pretense of completeness in its rather limited selections from works other than the Summa. To say nothing of the works rejected by Mandonnet (which might understandably be included in view of Grabmann's more recent study, Die Werke des hl. Thomas von Aquin, (Beitr äge etc. Münster, 1931), we find six works not included even in Grabmann 's "kritischer Katalog*, namely the two Opúsculo de universalibus, and the De dilectione Dei et proximi (all three of which, though attributed to St. Thomas, are included among the "sicher unechte Schriften"), plus the two Aristotelian commentaries on De Somniis and De Somno et Vigilia, and the Opusculum de natura syllogismorum. Fortunately, however, the usefulness of the Lexicon is not seriously impaired since it is primarily a dictionary of terms found in the Summa Theologica and seldom quotes or refers to the*spurious works. We call attention to this defect, however, in view of the intention of the authors, who - as they tell us in the "Foreword" - plan a systematic continuation of the Lexicon (perhaps in the form of supplements?) until every other work of St. Thomas will have been combed as thoroughly as the Summa was by the present authors "until eventually a Lexicon of St. Thomas of Aquin complete for all his works, will have appeared." Also in this connection, we might note that even from a philological point of view, it might be of interest to a student attempting to discover precisely St. Thomas' use of terms rather than that of his students or "auditores", if the authors were to indicate those portions of his works which in whole or part are "reportâtiones". Particularly commendable in the present Lexicon is the inclusion of biographical and geographical data regarding those proper names quoted in the Summa theologica. One regrettable feature about the present Lexicon is its extremely high price which undoubtedly will prevent many who might profit greatly from its use, from acquiring it for their private libraries. This however is probably beyond the control of the authors who have put so much time and effort into giving us this useful work. ALLAN B. WOLTER, O.F.M. Franciscan Institute, St. Bonaventure, New York. No Greater Service. By Sr. M. Rosalita, I.H.M. Detroit, Mich.: Evans-Winter-Hebb, Inc., 1948. Pp. xx-833-Index. $15.00 per set. Achievement of a Century. Edited by Sr. M. Rosalita, I.H.M. Detroit, Mich.: EvansWinter -Hebb, Inc., 1948. Pp. xiii-299. $15.00 per set. The present two volumes were written to describe and commemorate the achievements of a century by the Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, 1845-1945 of Monroe, Mich. (p. 729-740) definitely approved as a . BOOK REVIEWS459 religious community of simple vows by Pope Benedict XV in 1930 (p. 567). Today, according to the Catholic Directory (p. 675-164) there are three distinct and independent Congregations of the Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (IHM), the one having its General Motherhouse at Monroe (Detroit) Mich., founded in 1845; the second, with its headquarters at West Chester, Pa. (1872); the third, with headquarters at Scranton, Pa. Whereas Sister Rosalita aptly demonstrates the origin of the last two communities from that at Monroe, her first.volume is devoted primarily, and the second exclusively to the Monroe foundation, its convents, and schools. The Sisters, Servants of the IHM, in their familiar blue- habits, owe their existence, under God, to the Rev. Louis Florent Gillet, C.SS.R., pastor of St. Mary's Church, Monroe, Mich, who interested "four women in his plan for founding a religious institute...

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