
136Franciscan Studies pauperum is given a thorough study and critical edition by Monsignor Geyer, Die Albert dem Großen zugeschriebene Summa naturalium (Philosophia pauperum ), Beiträge, XXXV, 1 (1938). Among other bibliographical omissions we may note: K. Rahner, "La doctrine des 'sens spirituels' au moyen âge, en particuüer chez s. Bonaventure", Revue d'ascét. et mystique, XIV (1933), 263—99 (to p. 61); D. H. Salman, "Jean de la RocheUe et les débuts de l'averroisme latin", AHDLMA, XVI (1947—48), 133—44 (to p. 131 and p. 344) ; and above all, the Mediaeval Academy edition of Averroes' De memoria et reminiscentia (ed. Sheilds-Blumberg, 1949) (to p. 109 ff. and P- 332). * * * As far as the reviewer is competent to judge, the last section of the work is an excellent analysis of the AngeUc Doctor, a demonstration of the need to study Saint Thomas historically if one would come to appreciate him doctrinally. Neither the interior senses in general nor the vis cogitativa in particular receive extended treatment in Saint Thomas, though the holy Doctor makes frequent brief references to the doctrine. These passages Father Klubertanz subjects to minute analysis according to the more accepted chronology of the works. Thus his study embraces first the earlier works, the Sentences, De veritate and Contra Gentiles, which precede most if not aU the commentaries on Aristotle; the second step analyzes these same commentaries, while the Summa theologiae (rightly used as the correct and original title) and the Quaestio disputata de anima form the third group. To the historical analysis is appended a doctrinal synopsis on the discursive power. The conclusion reached is that the estimative in Saint Thomas is an Avicennian doctrine completely integrated into the new metaphysics of the AngeUc Doctor; that, in distinction to Avicenna, however. Saint Thomas considered the human estimative as a discursive power concerned with the singulars of action (operabilia) under the guiding Ught of reason; and that he thus maintained inviolate the dynamic unity of human perception. Ignatius Brady, O. F. M. Franciscan Institute Johannes Duns Scotus by Odulf Schäfer, O. F. M. (BibUographische Einführungen in das Studium der Philosophie, edit, by LM. Bochenski , ?. 22; Bern: A. Francke Ag. Verlag, 1953; 34 pp.) Since Father Schäfer is a member of the Scotus Commission, his task in redacting this bibUography on Scotus was relatively easy. His work was partiauy prepared by the Lineamenta bibliographiae Scotisticae of U. Smeets, O. F. M. (Rome, 1942), and he had access, we suppose, to the files of the Scotus Commission. Because of Bochenski's philosophical bibliographical introductions, however, the author was allowed only some 32 pages. As a consequence, Fr. Schäfer had to Umit himself to more recent literature on Scotus himself to the exclusion of the Scotistic School and, usually, of the Book Reviews137 Theology of Scotus. The author himself realizes that the latter limitation is regretful, since Scotus is in the first place a theologian. The booklet is subdivided into three parts: literature on more general bibliographies and léxica, works on the life and the writings of Scotus, and studies on his Philosophy. In reference to these topics, Schäfer Umits himself to German, Latin, French, Italian, EngUsh and Spanish Uterature (p. 3; actually he includes two Dutch studies, see p. 28). Schäfer completes the bibUography of Smeets (up to 1951 only; see p. 3), and is more systematic than his predecessor; but I would not say that this work renders Smeets superfluous. As an introduction to the study of Scotus, this bibUography certainly is worthwhile. A complete list, however, of the authentic works of Scotus (cf. p. 10—11 and 11—13), would have been greatly appreciated by a beginner . In this type of publication a number of slips seem to be unavoidable, though, sometimes, without any consequence; see e. g. p. 5 "Franciscana. Isegem, 1921—1924", read "Neerlandica Franciscana. Isegem, 1914—1924", and our "Franciscan Studies" is pubUshed at St. Bonaventure, which is some 400 miles from New York. Eligius M. Buytaert, O. F. M. Franciscan Institute Walram von Siegburg O. F. M. und seine Doktorpromotion an der Kölner Universität (1430—1435). Edited by Sophronius...

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