Nitrogenase (C2H2-reduction) activity and nodulated root respiration of intact plants of subterranean clover (Trifolium subterraneum L.) cv. Seaton Park nodulated by Rhizobium trifolii WU95 were measured in a flow-through system. Simultaneous declines in nitrogenase activity and respiration were exhibited 2 min after 10% C2H2 had been introduced into the gas stream. Declines in nitrogenase activity and nodulated root respiration provided an estimate of the efficiency of nitrogenase activity (mol CO2 evolved/mol C2H4 produced). The pre-decline rate of nitrogenase activity at time zero was thus calculated as the product of the respiration associated with nitrogenase activity and the reciprocal of the efficiency of nitrogenase activity. Pre-decline rates of nitrogenase activity were similar to peak rates for several pasture legumes. However, post-decline rates of activity were as much as 70% lower than the pre-decline rate. The age of subterranean clover plants had an important influence on the magnitude of the C2H2-induced decline; young plants exhibited the largest C2H2-induced inhibition of nitrogenase activity. Neither sainfoin (Onobrychis viciifolia Scop.) cv. Othello nodulated by Rhizobium sp. CC1108 nor yellow serradella (Ornithopus compressus L.) cv. Pitman nodulated by R. lupini WU425 exhibited C2H2-induced declines in nitrogenase activity. Nitrogenase-linked respiration of subterranean clover at the 14-leaf stage accounted for 50% of total nodulated root respiration. The oxygen diffusion resistance of the nodules increased in the presence of C2H2 but the effect was reversible once C2H2 was removed from the gas atmosphere. The pre-decline rate of acetylene reduction activity of subterranean clover reached a maximum at 10% C2H2. The C2H2-induced decline in nitrogenase activity was lower at subsaturating pC2H2 and was not detected at 0.4% C2H2.
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