
Thin amorphous silicon nitride films (D= 100 nm) were deposited on silicon substrates by means of argon ion beam sputtering under high vacuum conditions (residual gas pressure below 10 −5 Pa). The nitrogen depth profiles were measured by using the nuclear resonance reaction 15N(p,αγ) 12C at E res=429 keV ( Γ=120 eV). The hydrogen concentration was determined by ERDA using a 10 MeV 20Ne ion beam. Results show that the nitrogen concentration of thin films is inversely proportional to the hydrogen concentration . The nitrogen profiles obtained by NRA and by comparative RBS meaurements ( 4 He +, E 0 = 2.0MeV) showed good agreement. Annealing of the sample in nitrogen atmosphere at 600°C for 1 h did not influence the nitrogen concentration.

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