运用聚类分析、主成分分析和相关矩阵的统计分析手段,对长江中下游湖群共18个湖泊的沉积物氮磷释放风险以及湖泊沉积物、间隙水和上覆水中氮磷形态以及其他相关地球化学参数进行分析.草型和藻型湖泊的环境差异是造成氮磷释放风险的主要原因.氮磷释放风险与铁磷、藻类可利用磷、总氮、总磷、上覆水氮磷含量、间隙水氮含量、孔隙度和有机质含量间的关系最为密切.决定磷酸盐释放风险的主要形态磷是藻类可利用磷和铁磷,其他形态磷或者含量较低或者不易被转化释放,对磷酸盐释放风险影响较小.有机磷含量对磷的释放风险没有直接决定作用,但它与有机质含量间呈显著正相关.;Cluster analysis, principal component analysis and correlation matrix analysis were used to analysis the nitrogen and phosphorus release risks from sediments in 18 lakes located in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, as well as the nitrogen and phosphorus forms and related geochemical parameters from sediments, pore waters and overlying waters. The ecological difference of macrophyte and algae dominated lakes was the main reason of the difference of nitrogen and phosphorus release. The release risks were well correlated with the iron-bound phosphorus (FeP), algae available phosphorus (AAP), total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorus (TP) in sediment, the content of nitrogen and phosphorus in overlying and pore waters, porosity and organic matter content of surficial sediment. The AAP and FeP was the main phosphorus forms deciding the phosphorus release risk and other forms were in less effect on it due to the lower contents or lower transformation ability. The sediment organic phosphorus was not directly related to the phosphorus release risks but remarkably positively correlated to organic matter contents in sediment.
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