
The 8th International Workshop on Nitride Semiconductors (IWN 2014) took place between August 24 and August 29, 2015 in Wrocław, Poland. Wrocław, located in the south-west of Poland, is one of the most important academic centers of this country, with the long tradition of carrying out a nitride-related research. Wrocław with its unique architecture and rich historical background was, indeed, the most appropriate place to host IWN2014 and to create the friendly and pleasant atmosphere of the meeting, which was attended by 945 participants. The series of IWN conferences has remained for the last twenty years, the most representative forum for reporting research in III-nitride semiconductors. This particular meeting consisted of two plenary sessions, four (parallel) topical workshops, and two poster sessions. Topical Workshops were divided into four main topics: Growth, Optical Devices, Electronic Devices, and Basic Physics and Characterization. All topical workshops were chaired and organized by distinguished European specialists. We have succeeded to invite world-class researchers to present plenary lectures on very recent and breakthrough achievements in the field of fundamental properties and applications of nitride semiconductors. The following plenary lecturers agreed to accept our invitation: Shuji Nakamura, Armin Dadgar, Pallab Battacharya, Daisuke Ueda, Eva Monroy, Claude Weisbuch, and Akinori Koukitu. During the meeting 751 invited, oral and poster contributions were presented. Program Committee carefully selected 71 Invited talks/speakers. The conference program contained also two Round Table Discussions on Optical and Electronic Devices (animated by Ulrich Schwarz and Tomas Palacios, respectively). It is worth to point out that three 2014 Nobel Prize winners (in Physics) were involved in organization of IWN 2014. Isamu Akasaki was the Honorary Chair of the International Advisory Committee. Hiroshi Amano was serving as the Regional Chair representing Asia, and Shuji Nakamura gave the first talk, inaugurating our Conference. We believe that the 8th International Workshop on Nitride Semiconductors was a great success showing the strength of the world-nitride community. Many new discoveries were widely discussed. The growing importance of the research on nitride electronic devices was a characteristic feature of this conference. Izabela Gorczyca (Proceedings Publication Committee) Tadeusz Suski and Detlef Hommel (Co-chairmen of IWN2014) Piotr Perlin (Chairman of IWN2014 Program Committee)

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