
Religious and Moral Values Education (NAM) also requires a more modern, rational, comprehensive media, easily captured and internalized by students. Nussa Video aside from being a medium of entertainment, must also be able to be prioritized as an effective and creative media in conveying educational values, especially Religious and Moral Values. Especially in the video that raises the theme of education which contains many moral and religious values. The problem of this research is what religious and moral values contained in Nussa videos volumes 1-3 and how they are relevant to early childhood education. This research is a library research (library research) by taking Video Nussa Volume 1-3 objects. The approach used by researchers is the Pragmatic approach. The results of the study show that, first reading basmalah, second wudu, third reading prayer, fourth sleeping facing Qibla, fifth sadaqah (smile), sixth cleanliness, seventh prayer, eighth Ikhlas, ninth redundant, and the tenth smile, greetings and greetings (3S) ). Of the 10 moral and religious values contained in Nussa videos volumes 1-3 have relevance to early childhood education. Where the 10 moral and religious values can be applied in the daily lives of children, where this video is intended to teach and guide children. Nussa's video is more or less helpful and makes it easier for parents to educate their children. Keywords : NAM, AUD, dan Nussa Official

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