
The present article begins with an analysis of a binding from the book collection of Jan Łaski (1499–1560) that has been recently discovered. The description aims to focus on characteristic elements indicating the Italian influence in the ornamentation of the covers. The characteristic features of the work are compared against the background of Italian Renaissance bookbinding traditions, in particular with that of the bookbinding workmanship distinguishing and representative of the group of bookbinders from Venice. A particular attention is given to the superexlibris stamped on the front cover with its form copying the characteristic type of the Italian shield of testa di cavallo form. The author then proceeds to discuss the issue of the place of manufacture of the binding and its authorship. The provided comparative analysis with other Italian-influenced bindings manufactured in Cracow in the 1520s shows that its authorship can be attributed to Maciej of Przasnysz, defined in literature as the Master of Cherub Heads. Advanced Renaissance forms in the works of this bookbinder, including the bindings from the Poznań collection, may prove him to be one of the leading European book artisans, who was capable of immediate absorbing the most recent and contemporary trends in bookbinding in Italy.

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