
The phenomenon of increasing early childhood marriage has put Indonesia in the spotlight of the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child. Indonesia is listed as the country with the 7th highest number of early childhood marriages internationally and is ranked 2nd in ASEAN. This phenomenon makes various parties, both from government and non-government, to respond to this problem. This study aims to analyze the strategies used by non-government actors in the prevention of early childhood marriage. The case raised was the role of the Legal Aid Institute for the Indonesian Women's Association for Justice (LBH APIK) in South Sulawesi. In particular, this study tries to analyze the LBH Apik international network development model. Initial information shows that for implementing this advocacy agenda, LBH Apik collaborates with International Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) or International Non-Governmental Organizations (INGO), namely OXFAM. This research is a qualitative type where the data sources are as information and narratives got through in-depth interviews, and source documents. This study found that; First, LBH Apik's activities in efforts to prevent child marriage can be categorized as an effort by NGOs to implement human security values. Second, the strategies adopted by LBH Apik show that the changes required are transformative because they encourage changes in the social structure that make the position of girls very vulnerable. Third, local, national and international partnerships with LBH Apik are built on a collective identity as the party fighting to prevent child marriage.

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