
THE New Year's Honours List contains the names of the following men of science and others associated with scientific work: Baron: Sir Ernest Rutherford, chairman of the Advisory Council of the Committee of the Privy Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, and until recently president of the Royal Society. Baronets: Sir John Rose Bradford, president of the Royal College of Physicians; Sir Richard Gregory, editor of NATURE. K.C.B.: Dr. F. E. Smith, secretary to the Committee of the Privy Council for Scientific and Industrial Research. K.C.M.G.: Hon. Sir Walter Hartwell James, Chancellor of the University of Western Australia; Dr. A. W. Hill, Director of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Knights: Prof. C. R. Beazley, professor of medieval and modern history in the University of Birmingham; Mr. W. W. Hornell, Viee-Chancellor of Hong Kong University; Dr. E. G. Graham Little, member of Senate of the University of London since 1906; Dr. R. W. Livingstone, Vice-Chancellor of the Queen's University, Belfast. C.B.: Mr. R. L. Hobson, Keeper of Ceramics and Ethnography, British Museum. C.I.E.: Lieut.—Col. H. W. Acton, director of the School of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, Calcutta. C.B.E.: Miss Caroline Haslett, director of the Electrical Association for Women and secretary of the Women's Engineering Society (Inc.); Miss Edith Helen Major, Mistress of Girton College, Cambridge; Miss Louisa Martindale, president of the Medical Women's Federation and vice-president of the Medical Women's International Association; Prof. Sidney Russ, professor of physics, Medical School, Middlesex Hospital, for work in connexion with radium; Mr. J. J. Shaw, secretary to the Seismological Investigations Committee of the British Association. O.B.E.: Dr. W. M. Aders, lately economic biologist, Zanzibar; Mr. R. S. Capon, Superintendent of Scientific Research, Royal Aircraft Establishment, Air Ministry; Mr. J. M. Carey, H.M. Divisional Inspector of Mines; Mr. J. S. Corbett, secretary of the Empire Forestry Association; Mr. A. de V. Wade, principal assistant in the Native Affairs Department, Kenya. M.B.E.: Dr. V. E. Wilkins, Assistant Principal, Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries.

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